1. Why is the perception getting stronger that integration will become a critical factor in coming days?
At present, there is a number application frameworks out there built in a number of programming languages. Many software and web sites are creating services that rely on services created by different software and integrate multiple services from different sources to create new services. This is a challenge for developers to integrate various services together.
One of the ways to face this challenge to create web services and make it available to necessary clients. Data can be passed to the necessary clients via xml.
2. What is the relationship of AJAX to JQuery (jquery.com) and the lightweight Web 2.0 javascript framework called MooTools (mootools.net) within the enterprise software architecture?
JQuery and MooTools are open-source javascript frameworks. MooTools is an extension of JavaScript and improves various JavaScript functions. JQuery on the other hand, focuses on DOM and simplifies traversing HTML documents and handling events. These two frameworks serve different purpose and both offers reusability and provides wrapper classes to work with Ajax simpler.
AJAX - asynchronous JavaScript and XML - is a web development technique to create interactive web applications. Ajax supports partial page updates - that is, retrieves information from the web server without causing the page to reload completely. JavaScript is used to pass the call to the server to retrieve the data from the server. This call is passed and data is retrieved using the XMLHttpRequest object. JQuery provides an ajax api to call methods. MooTools provide wrapper object - Request class - to support Ajax.
3. What are the similarities between the object-oriented development using model-view-controller (MVC) in Ruby on Rails 2.0 and Action Script 2.0 (Flash animations)?
Model view controller is a development framework where teh application is divided into model, view and controller from development perspective. The view, the user interface, is where a user would interact with the application. The interaction would be processed by controller which will either retrieve or update data to the model.
Ruby on Rails uses the MVC architecture pattern to organise application programming. It includes in-built development tasks that can automatically create models and views needed for a basic website.
ActionScript uses an open-source framework - PureMVC - to create MVC applications.
4. What does it mean to develop RESTful practices into our web applications?
RESTful (Representational State Transfer (REST)) is a software architecture designed for World Wide Web. RESTful means to conform to REST constraints.
RESTful architecture consists of clients and servers. Clients send requests to the server and the server returns a response. For a web application to be RESTful, it needs to follow the contraints of REST architecture. The following are the constraints.
i. Client-server: Client and server are separated by a uniform interface. This means that the client is concerned only with user interface and user state while the server is concerned with data storage. This means that the client code can be improved and the server architecture made more scalable.
ii. Stateless: The client-server communication is stateless. That is, the client needs to send all the information necessary to service a request. The state is only stored in the client.
iii. Cacheable: This means that responses from the server must be cacheable. This will improve scalability and performance.
iv. Layered System: A client is not aware if it is connected to the end server or not. Inermediary server can improve system scalability by enabling load-balancing and by providing shared caches.
v. Code on demand (optional): Servers can customize the functionality of a client by transferring logic to that it can execute. JavaScript is an example of this.
vi. Uniform interface: The uniform interface of client-server simplifies the architecture and enables each part to be changed independently.
At present, there is a number application frameworks out there built in a number of programming languages. Many software and web sites are creating services that rely on services created by different software and integrate multiple services from different sources to create new services. This is a challenge for developers to integrate various services together.
One of the ways to face this challenge to create web services and make it available to necessary clients. Data can be passed to the necessary clients via xml.
2. What is the relationship of AJAX to JQuery (jquery.com) and the lightweight Web 2.0 javascript framework called MooTools (mootools.net) within the enterprise software architecture?
JQuery and MooTools are open-source javascript frameworks. MooTools is an extension of JavaScript and improves various JavaScript functions. JQuery on the other hand, focuses on DOM and simplifies traversing HTML documents and handling events. These two frameworks serve different purpose and both offers reusability and provides wrapper classes to work with Ajax simpler.
AJAX - asynchronous JavaScript and XML - is a web development technique to create interactive web applications. Ajax supports partial page updates - that is, retrieves information from the web server without causing the page to reload completely. JavaScript is used to pass the call to the server to retrieve the data from the server. This call is passed and data is retrieved using the XMLHttpRequest object. JQuery provides an ajax api to call methods. MooTools provide wrapper object - Request class - to support Ajax.
3. What are the similarities between the object-oriented development using model-view-controller (MVC) in Ruby on Rails 2.0 and Action Script 2.0 (Flash animations)?
Model view controller is a development framework where teh application is divided into model, view and controller from development perspective. The view, the user interface, is where a user would interact with the application. The interaction would be processed by controller which will either retrieve or update data to the model.
Ruby on Rails uses the MVC architecture pattern to organise application programming. It includes in-built development tasks that can automatically create models and views needed for a basic website.
ActionScript uses an open-source framework - PureMVC - to create MVC applications.
4. What does it mean to develop RESTful practices into our web applications?
RESTful (Representational State Transfer (REST)) is a software architecture designed for World Wide Web. RESTful means to conform to REST constraints.
RESTful architecture consists of clients and servers. Clients send requests to the server and the server returns a response. For a web application to be RESTful, it needs to follow the contraints of REST architecture. The following are the constraints.
i. Client-server: Client and server are separated by a uniform interface. This means that the client is concerned only with user interface and user state while the server is concerned with data storage. This means that the client code can be improved and the server architecture made more scalable.
ii. Stateless: The client-server communication is stateless. That is, the client needs to send all the information necessary to service a request. The state is only stored in the client.
iii. Cacheable: This means that responses from the server must be cacheable. This will improve scalability and performance.
iv. Layered System: A client is not aware if it is connected to the end server or not. Inermediary server can improve system scalability by enabling load-balancing and by providing shared caches.
v. Code on demand (optional): Servers can customize the functionality of a client by transferring logic to that it can execute. JavaScript is an example of this.
vi. Uniform interface: The uniform interface of client-server simplifies the architecture and enables each part to be changed independently.
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